

File:Suzuki Shoten burnt out.jpg

Suzuki Shoten in Kobe, burned during the Rice Riots of August 11 1918

起因[ | ]

大米价格的暴涨造成了严重的经济困难,对于以大米为主食的农村地区冲击尤为严重。由于当时政府法定收购价与居高不下的时常价格之间的巨大差距,农民对于那些让大米价格失控的米商和政府官员产生了极大的敌意。在第一次世界大战后,米价达到了峰值。由此引发的通货膨胀造成大量消费品和房租价格飙升,结果令城市居民也出现不满情绪。 However, the Siberian Intervention further inflamed the situation, with the government buying up existing rice stocks to support the troops overseas, which further drove rice prices higher. The government failed to intervene in economic affairs, and rural protests spread to the towns and cities.

暴乱[ | ]

The Rice Riots were unparalleled in modern Japanese history in terms of scope, size and violence. The initial protest occurred in the small fishing town of Ouzu, Toyama Prefecture, on 23 July 1918.运动开始时只是和平的请愿,但事态很快升级为暴乱、罢工、抢劫、蓄意炸毁警察局和政府办公室以及武装冲突。1918年9月中旬,在38座城市,153个乡镇以及177个村中出现了超过623起骚乱,参与者逾200万人。约有25000人被逮捕,其中8200人被以不同的罪名判刑,轻则罚款,重则判处死刑。 [1]


这次事件同日本军国主义之间的联系尚无定论。学者争论认为,为了减轻当时日本本土当时大米的供应紧张状况,日本加强了在其当时的殖民地朝鲜台湾的大米生产。 [2]

参考书系[ | ]

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注释[ | ]

  1. MacPhearson, The Economic Development of Japan 1868–1941
  2. Smitka, Japanese Prewar Growth (Japanese Economic History 1600–1960), page 192